Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Why I don't care for apartment/loft life

People banging on the doors at 12:30 in the morning.

Knocking on your windows.

Loud talking.

Fights. Hearing everyone else's business.

This is the first time in my life that I haven't lived in a house. I know, some people can't even say that much, but still I've only been living like this for a week. It's a huge adjustment. Even though this place is new, you would think it's a fight club. There where, and still are hundreds of applicants wanting for this place, and some of the people here just don't care.

From what I know, the manager has already evicted quite a few people. I think she was in court again today, or at least that's what someone said. Now, that's just ridiculous. At the most you have lived here for a month. How can you get evicted.

That's not really any of my business. So, I will try to tread in another direction. Wait, I have one more grievance. The water does not get hot at all. To make matters worse if there's a leak, they turn everyones' water off. It took nearly two days for it to be turned back on.

It's a blessing not to have to pay $8-- dollars a month for rent. I'll try to appreciate that fact, and enjoy (maybe) this apartment/loft life.

Staying up late has benefits

I just found an amazing giveaway, but before I get into that I must say a few things. I started reading Pride & Prejudice the day before yesterday.

Before I found the 10 ARC Giveaway, I was on a quest to find Fragile Eternity and Catching Fire. Unfortunately, the ones I found where either already given away, or I wasn't eligible.

Back on track...

The Story Siren is celebrating it's 100,000 visitor by giving away 10 ARC to one lucky person.

Hurry you have until April 7th.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Book Review (SORTA)

As I mentioned before I get most of my books from the library. A book I am really liking right now is, The Takers by R. W. Ridley. Before his Amazon Kindle 2 giveaway, I had never heard of him, or his work. I read the book, and I loved it. Which is a shock.

It is considered horror fiction. Everyone knows I hate horror. I won't go anywhere near Stephen King (Because of his book It, thanks King). So, it shocked me when I continued reading, and enjoyed it. While it may not scare some, it scared me.

I hate the whole end of the war scenario. That wasn't the case with The Takers. It is one of the most original things I have read so far this year. Give it a try.

Today's Discovery

It is truly a waste to have books and not read them. Does anyone ever look around their house and find books on shelves, or wherever they may be? If so, that is really sad. I am speaking mostly for myself, but that's the truth. Books are meant to be read. They can teach, inspire, excite.

With that in mind, I have decided to make a change. I will no longer let the books I have on my shelves and floor go neglected. This year I'm going to read. Last year, I simply borrowed from the library, a lot. My books have been neglected far too long.

This week, I think I am going to start with Pride & Prejudice. The first time I read it I was fifteen, or sixteen, and I just loved it. After seeing the film, The Jane Austen Book Club, it has inspired me to start with her work. This way I can finally put my birthday present Jane Austen Seven Novels, into good use.

Wish me luck.

Goal of Blog

This blog is flawed. Since it will never be perfect I'll just write what I want and when I want to. There is really no objective to all of this.

New Giveaway

One thing I really love are contests. While I don't win many, I hope that this time will be different. The other day I submitted an entry to win a folding bike. I believe I'm contestant # 8, and would appreciate it if you all voted for me. You can also enter by following the instructions.
Also, before I forget, in order to vote you have to sign up for the newsletter. Which isn't so bad. Voters get 5% off, if they purchase a bike by May 1st.

Thank you.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What I like

I really like contests/sweepstakes. Who doesn't though? Now here's one I just came across today. At you can win $50 and a t-shirt. You should go to to get the rules. It ends on March 31.

‘Funny T-Shirts’

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thwarted By Procrastination

Once again I have missed out on a good opportunity. I attempted to enter this contest earlier, but no go. I submitted a comment as the rules had specified. I was surprised it didn't pop up at the bottom of the page. In this case they had sent a confirmation email. I didn't realize that that would grant my entry. Now I am ineligible. This really sucks. More incentive to actually do things when I'm supposed to, I guess.

Last year I received some rebate checks. I never got to get the money, because I had misplaced them. When I was going through some old mail I found them. Turns out I could have had $170 at my disposal. That is the most pathetic I have felt so far this year. At this moment I have decided I won't dwell on it. Instead I will refocus that energy, and put into a productive pursuit.

In My Top Five Scholarship Websites

This is unfortunate, but true. I believe it was either eighth grade or ninth when I registered for Fastweb, the first time. It is almost synonymous with scholarship search engine, because it is usually the first suggestion. For several years Fastweb was my primary source for scholarships. Then I came across scholarship points.

At you have the opportunity to earn points that go towards scholarship entries, by completing easy activities. That range from: sampling products, reading information (which can occasionally be funny), surveys, and things like this, promoting their site. It is the product of Edvisors Company, which provide several other helpful sites, and a lot of free, and very good information. I really like, because it’s simple. For the past 2 years I have been accruing points; I’m not in college yet so I can’t enter. Now I wouldn’t say that scholarshippoints is way better than FastWeb by any means, but I think that it is a close second, when you factor in all the goods.

There are a few things I really like, and others I don’t like at all. You don’t have to submit an essay with your entry. Instead of hashing out an essay it will cost you your time, which I assure you will not be wasted. The bad thing (isn’t too bad) about that is, you could be spending 50 points, and the winner could have spend only 10. Which doesn’t sound so bad, but it bothers me a little. I’ll get over it. Since I haven’t entered yet, it’s simply my take. They say the more points you earn the greater your chances, but there are some things I don’t like leaving up to chance. I never would have thought that I would think not having to submit an essay as a bad thing. At least when you submit an essay there is a greater chance of being selected (okay, a small margin), because it’s based on something, but let me stop before they make that mandatory.

Then there is the matter of not being about to transfer points. Points are non-transferable. My sister is in school right now, and works full-time at the hospital. As much as I would like to help her, I can’t. They make it pretty clear that your points are your own.

Besides the information and other offerings; there is one thing I can’t wait to see if I get the chance to enjoy. Winning. Since the scholarship drawings are random, I hope I win, because if you win once you can win again, which is acceptable.

You can get a better idea of what I’m talking about at

Not Entirely Decided

Keeping a journal, let alone a commitment, is something I have never really done. So why have I created a blog? I am not entirely sure. I don't even know if I will be able to contribute to this on a regular basis. The things I enter might be really boring, and don't expect many, if any, to follow me; this just seems like it could be a good thing.

Hopefully, I will be able to Be More Than Average in the future. I have never excelled at anything. Even when I did participate in school activities like sports, I was always the one being yelled at, "_______, you suck." So my goal is to become a better person. A holistic change is what I am going for. After I do some things I have been putting off for weeks now I will probably come back with further details.

Have an excellent day.